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Mouthguards & Splints



It is highly advised to wear a mouth guard when playing any type of contact sport. A store bought mouth guard can be sufficient depending on your age and what sport you are playing, however a custom made dental mouth guard is the best option for your teeth, as it will provide the most support during contact sports,


Grinding or Clenching at Nights?

Do you often wake up with a sore jaw or headache? Grinding or clenching during your sleep could be the reason! It can often be related to stress and you may not even realise you’re grinding. Unfortunately grinding, clenching or bruxism can result in chipped or broken teeth, wear on teeth may cause sensitivity or nerve pain. It can also cause pain in your TMJ or jaw leading up to your head and cause painful headaches. An occlusal splint is custom made for your mouth to stop the adverse affects of grinding.

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